Dr. Candace Seuferer

Dr. Candace Seuferer

Dr. Candace Seuferer

Dr. Candace Seuferer has been practicing Chiropractic care since 2013. She graduated from Palmer College of Chiropractic in Davenport, Iowa which is the Fountain Head of Chiropractic. When she graduated she received special recognition in her positions as Clinical Teaching Assistant and Head Radiology Tech. Over the past few years she has specialized in sports medicine by becoming certified in Kinesiotaping, blading, cupping, and Function Movement Training. She is currently pursuing further certification in Pediatrics. Dr. Seuferer has a passion for treating patients of all ages and can easily change her style of treatment to fit the patients wants and needs.

Dr. Candace Seuferer is not an Iowa native. She was born in New York and spent a large portion of her life in Michigan. She moved to Norwalk, IA in 2016. She currently lives in the country with her husband, 2 children, 2 cats, 2 dogs, and chickens. In her spare time she enjoys crafts, gardening, camping, hiking, and kayaking. In the past Dr. Seuferer has played many sports including Rugby, Tae Kwon Do, Soccer, and Swimming. She is a big Michigan fan and a self proclaimed foodie.

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